I’m curious how much you spend each year to run the site. I totally understand if you prefer not to divulge the information but I just thought it might be useful for readers to know the financial burden that you take on, on top of the time you sink into writing and doing the translations. I don’t see any form of ads or ways you monetize the site other than asking for donations.
Might also be useful for other users to pitch in ways that they can also contribute to the site besides donating.
The servers for the forum and the site cost USD 50 a month. The domain costs USD 15 a year. So that’s USD 615 a year for the past 9 years. We do get occasional donations that help offset some of the costs, but any help would be great. That’s why I’ve been making the donations notice more obvious.
I don’t believe in ruining the experience to run ads. They don’t bring in enough in any case. Given how little they generate, it makes more sense to just not have them.
We have some Amazon affiliate links if you purchase the books using the links from the site. Commissioning translations would be a good way to help generate income to support us.