Hello everyone!

Hi everyone! I’m so glad to see Wuxia Society back up again!!!


Glad to have you here!

Hello. I’m new here. :slight_smile:

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Hello! I’m new around here too!

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Hey there, Zixia! Welcome!

GASSSSPPPP :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Somebody keep @FlyingDagger away from @Zixia!

So, I’ve just discovered the community-- I am a long time fan of wuxia movies, but my interest in the novels arises from my desire to write my own wuxia fiction (in English). I am reading the English translations for now, but I plan on taking Chinese lessons at the university starting this Fall.

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Hi, nice to meet you! Great to meet someone who share the love of writing. What kind of Chinese lessons are you planning to take up?

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Well, the University of Wyoming offers a couple years’ worth of Chinese language classes. I was planning on taking everything except the business class.

@FlyingDagger :scream::scream::scream::scream: GGGGASSSSPPPP

Any updates on the classes? It’ll be interesting to know how it’s gone thus far.

Hey there! That avatar looks familiar…

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House of Flying Daggers. Great movie :grin:


Yeah! Love this movie!

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Absolute classic this

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This makes me want to rewatch it… again.